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Showing posts from September, 2018

JVM's Boltzmann effects

This write-up discusses an aspect of JVM's just-in-time compilation  around dynamic method disp atch. Following are the results from a run of 5 measurement iterations of JMH (Java micro-benchmarking harness) showing that JVM could perform 69 million operations in the bi-morphic case than just 62 million operations in mega-morphic case . And no matter how many times the benchmark is run, the results remain the same. This benchmark was executed against a Java 8 runtime, similar results appear if we run the same code against Java 10's latest update.  The hierarchy of classes involved in this example is shown here: Above results are from a run of following benchmarking code and we can see  there is literally no difference between the two methods being benchmarked . Then what just happened? In general, JVM knows (via just in time compilation) how many possible types exist for a polymorphic reference type. With this awareness, JIT c...

Financial Risk Management Mind Maps

An asset class (finance) agnostic mind map of risk mgmt pathways taken by Sell side firms.. Recently drew on paper.. Every single node in this tree deserves a sepaarte detailed explanation or another mindmap, I'd keep extending in future. Following is just a starting point..