This post is relevant for developers who are aware of Apache Camel and use its JMS component to consume from a JMS broker. We are only discussing the message consumption part here. I'm assuming you are conversant with Camel's terminology of routes, endpoints, processors and EIPs. If not, following is a good place to start: Link ---> Apache Camel Home Ever wondered what happens underneath when a Camel consumer route is defined to take messages from a JMS endpoint ? This post is an attempt to explain how Camel integrates with JMS via Spring APIs and how the business logic defined in a Camel route is invoked ? Following is a simplified sequence diagram showing the set-up process which will eventually lead to message consumption from JMS broker. . Creation of JMS endpoints in a camel context is initiated by definition (via Java/XML DSL). A JMS endpoint takes a number of configurable attributes as seen here Camel JMS Component . As soon as context is bootstrapp...